Your book has been edited, and now you need professional book design and a quality ebook.
Liquid Type presents you with a smart solution using a digital-first workflow that allows us to produce print files and an ebook with one click.
Read more about Liquid Type’s book-production process below, or get in touch for a quote.
Working with Wesley is an absolute treat. Not only is he a superb copy-editor and proofreader, he also writes and overwrites on tricky projects. I’ve been working with Wesley for at least seven years now and have no hesitation in recommending him for editing, proofreading, writing, and project management. Always on time and on budget, Liquid Type is my first port of call for editorial work. I estimate that Wesley has had a hand, in some form, in almost every one of the 70 titles I’ve produced [at Bookstorm] in the last seven years. Impeccable.